‘GOD: new evidence’ is produced by Focus. Focus has been creating Christian mass media and new media projects for more than forty years.

Here are links to Focus’ Just Stories? Evidence and the Bible series that features Dr Chris Sinkinson, one of our BA and MA lecturers at Moorlands College.

“A lot of people think that the Bible is just stories, but many of the things that it records have left traces that we can still see today – evidence for real events, real people, and real places. In these videos we are looking at some of this evidence.

Why does this matter? The Bible claims that God really is there, and that he speaks and acts in the world. God has spoken and acted through things that really happened, and the Bible claims to record how God has spoken and acted. The evidence that the Bible is true should encourage us to take its claim seriously as a message from God. So it is worth looking at this evidence. And if it is convincing, it is worth taking the Bible’s message seriously.”