Graduate Diploma Applied Theology
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. ”
—Psalm 16:8, NIV
Our Graduate Diploma (GDip) in Applied Theology has been designed to give you a robust, biblical foundation on which to build your life and ministry. Specifically designed for those who are looking for theological training who might have qualifications in other academic subjects, the GDip will equip you to serve God in practical and relevant ways in a fast-changing, turbulent world.
Programme duration
1 year full-time
Location and mode of study
- Flexible learning
- Other location/mode options may be available upon discussion
Plus location of placement
What you’ll study
Your studies on the GDip Applied Theology programme are designed to give you both breadth and depth in theological studies, and are tailored to those who might be looking for something deeper. We believe that putting your studies into practice is a key part of your learning. Therefore , as part of your studies you’ll also be required to undertake a practical placement for the duration of the programme.
Modules & Descriptions
Biblical Studies
The Bible forms the basis of all of the College’s teaching and action. As a result, a large part of your academic study will involve robust engagement with Biblical texts. This module equips you to handle Scripture appropriately, engaging with factors such as genre and cultural context, that inform interpretation. This module will help you to explore the implications of the Biblical texts studied for contemporary Christian life and ministry
Biblical Theology
Studies in Biblical Theology allow you to enrich your understanding of Scripture by exploring how several theological themes and motifs develop across the whole storyline of the Bible. This module allows you to focus on several key doctrinal and biblical threads in depth and explore how we might navigate them in church and community contexts.
Missional Contexts
This strand enhances your ability to engage theologically with key features of the contemporary world. It includes engagement with methods and principles of contextual theology, theological reflection and emerging trends in contemporary thought. This strand pays particularly attention to the nature and role of the church’s role within God’s mission, in a variety of contexts, both local and global.
Choose between: Leading in a Local Church or Community Transformation
This strand enables you to engage critically and theologically with key issues relating to Christian leadership, including a focus on character formation, vocation, and Christian virtues. You will use the insights gained from reflecting on your own practice, to grow in your personal development and in the management and leadership of others. You’ll have the opportunity to focus your studies on either leadership within a local church context, or within community transformation.

Why Moorlands?
Our Graduate Diploma in Applied Theology has been designed to give you a robust biblical foundation on which to build your life and ministry. It will equip you to serve God in practical and relevant ways in a fast-changing, turbulent world.

Why Applied Theology?
The aim of the GDip Applied Theology is to equip you to serve God with integrity and confidence in a range of different settings.
Whether you are called to education, business, politics, the arts, the charity sector, the local church, children and families work, or other vocational spheres, this programme will help you to develop a biblical and theological grounding for your work.

Impacting church and world
One of our main aims is to help you integrate your academic studies with your practice. This is facilitated through embedding required practice within modules that you study, allowing you to gain some credit for how you serve, and teaching you to reflect deeply and critically on your practice.
Flexible Learning
Flexible learning is designed to allow you to study from wherever you are in the UK, whilst immersing yourself in your chosen context.
Are you settled in your church or organisation and want to continue serving there whilst studying?
Or does studying towards a degree feel like a distant reality due to your current life commitments?
Our flexible learning is a fantastic option for you.
It is designed to allow you to study from wherever you are in the country, whilst immersing yourself in your chosen context. This might be your paid employment, where you volunteer, or the church to which you belong. It might be a charity or school – get in touch to find out if your context would qualify .

Alongside being immersed in your placement throughout the year, you’ll also have access to regular group sessions as well as a personal tutor for dedicated one-to-one support.
If you would like more information about what life as a flexible learner student looks like, click here.
Other helpful information
Entry requirements
To be accepted onto this programme you need to have the potential to succeed in it and to benefit from it. This is normally demonstrated by:
- 2:2 degree in any subject, placements usually in Christian Church or Charity Environment
- An appropriate understanding of, commitment to and suitability for the range of vocations for which these studies prepare you.
If you’re unsure whether you qualify for the Graduate Diploma, please contact us to discuss your potential for Recognition of Prior Learning.
Term dates
2025 – 2026
Application deadline
- We look forward to receiving your applications by 31 July 2025. If you are applying to study Campus Based and would like to live on-site at Moorlands College, we advise that you apply by 30 April 2025. If you have missed these deadlines, please get in touch with the Admissions department for further advice on
Assessments are a key part of your learning experience at Moorlands. Assessment in compulsory modules gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your learning through presentations, portfolios, essays and reports.