In our latest blog post, Angelina, one of our MA in Applied Theology students, shares the importance of stepping out in faith and serving Jesus using whatever gifts God has given you….
Do you desire to live a life of significance?
The human heart has a deep longing to live a life of importance.
Some may dream of being famous or advancing to a highly-paid role. As believers, what does it mean to use our gifts to live a life of significance?
When a Salvation Army officer shared the gospel with me as a teenager my life was transformed. This inspired me – I longed to be equipped to share my faith just as she had done. To see others impacted and experience the same life transformation I had experienced. I picked up the Moorlands College prospectus at church and imagined how amazing it would be to study Theology. To have the opportunity to be equipped to share the good news of Jesus and live a life of impact. Twenty years later that dream would come to fruition. In 2020 I completed my BA (Hons) in Applied Theology and am now studying for a MA in Applied Theology.
God uses ordinary people to do great things
We see throughout the Bible that God chooses to use ordinary people to do great things for Him such as, Moses the Shepherd, Peter the fisherman and Gideon who was the second to lowest tribe Israel. Each of us are special to God and He has called us to be a part of his Great Commission on earth to ‘…go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19, NIV). It is as we embrace this call that we discover what it means to live a life of significance as a Christian.
God has used many men and women over the years to have an impact on the world because they lived for Jesus. At church, we have had several Sunday evening sessions called ‘Lives of Passion’ learning all about people like J.O Fraser, C.T Studd and Helen Roseveare. As I heard these stories, I was encouraged that God is able to use ordinary people like me to have an impact on the world by living for Him.
God longs to use your gifts and experiences for His glory
We all have different gifts. God created each one of us unique. It is His desire that we use these gifts to bring Him glory. We may be great at acting, teaching, or caring for others. We also have life experiences individual to us, and God can use us to reach others through these experiences. Some have experienced loss and can help those grieving, whilst others had a difficult childhood and can reach out to children in need.
I became a Christian as a young person and my desire was to see other young people become passionate followers of Jesus. To use my gifts of creativity, singing, teaching and passion for people to fulfil this vision. I have the privilege of working at Lansdowne Church as the Children and Families Worker. We have just opened a new building in Bournemouth and there are so many opportunities to reach young people with the gospel. I am also a mother of two wonderful children aged 8 and 14. I have the privilege of raising them in faith.
Wherever God has placed you right now, it is His desire to use your skills and experiences to fulfil His Great Commission.
Be equipped to live a life of impact
“Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.” C.T Studd
I encourage you to spend time in God’s Word and prayer to be equipped to go out and share His Good News. It is as we serve Jesus and bring Him the glory that we can truly live lives of significance for Him. Our lives will not only have impact today, but eternal impact.
Moorlands College has a range of programmes to further equip you. Their vision is ‘to equip people, passionate about Jesus Christ to impact the Church and the world.’ Perhaps you might be interested in short courses or studying for a BA (Hons) or MA in Applied Theology. There are a range of study options available so do contact Moorlands College to find out more.
I am so thankful to Moorlands College for the impact the training has had and continues to have on my life. I have truly discovered that there is no greater thing than living a life of impact for Jesus!

BA (Hons) Applied Theology
Our Applied Theology degree has been carefully and creatively designed to give you a firm foundation on which to build your life and ministry.

BA (Hons) Applied Theology (Youth and Community Work) with JNC
Develop your youth work practice, go deeper into Scripture, and gain a degree with specialised, practical skills.

Foundation Year
If you’ve been out of education for some time, or require the necessary qualifications for the BA, this is the course for you.

MA Applied Theology
Go deeper into theological thinking with our postgraduate MA. Study in a unique way that encourages both personal and professional development.

MA Language, Community and Development
Our MA will provide you with essential tools in community-based development, linguistics, literacy and Scripture engagement and will equip you for service amongst communities across the world.